Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dear you,

Dear you,

You will never read this, because you have stopped reading anything that I write. You don't really care how I feel, and if you really knew how I felt sometimes, you'd probably spend a lot more time apologizing, than you do. Everyone told me that it was a bad idea to ever listen to you. Everyone said I should just leave you alone, but I was so excited, I couldn't help but try. But when there are days where I do all of the talking...days when I feel like even when I am talking you aren't even listening. What do I do then? Do I spend life by myself stuck in what I now consider an addiction to something that probably shouldn't have started in the first place. You will never know that. I will never tell you that either. Know why? Because I guess I'm still figuring out how to not need you. How to be less female, turn myself into stone, god help my feelings to be able to care less for those days when you get nothing not to have it hurt so damn bad. You will never read this, you will never know.

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